Testing flent with IPv6 Addresses yields a similar error to [Issue #214](https://github.com/tohojo/flent/issues/214), despite installing the irtt tool. (IPv4 works fine with irtt, already tested.) Running in `-v` to verbose showed me, that the format of IPv6 addresses is false for `irtt`: Part of the output: `which: Found irtt executable at /usr/bin/irtt` `UDP RTT test: Cannot use irtt runner (Irtt connection check failed: Error: address fe80::200:aff:fe00:601%h1-eth0:0: too many colons in address` `). Using netperf UDP_RR` `Ping (ms) UDP EF: Adding child NetperfDemoRunner` flent is run with `--local-bind` and `-H` in my case, for address handover of client and server. Scrolling a bit through the [irtt docs](https://htmlpreview.github.io/?https://github.com/heistp/irtt/blob/master/doc/irtt-client.html#host-formats), I found that the host format for IPv6 addresses should be in brackets [ ] Handing over the `--local-bind` in bracket format as a quick test solves the irtt issue with that address, but of course results in the address resolution to fail Any help or quick fix is much appreciated! -- You are receiving this because you are subscribed to this thread. Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub: https://github.com/tohojo/flent/issues/238