flent-users <notifications@github.com> writes:

> Hi Toke,
>> On Sep 29, 2019, at 20:44, Toke Høiland-Jørgensen <notifications@github.com> wrote:
>> Rich Brown <notifications@github.com> writes:
>> > Sorry for the delay in responding... The higher granularity makes much
>> > better plots (see below).
>> Great!
>> > Using `-m 2048,2048` I don't see a whole lot of load on my Mac 2.5 GHz
>> > Intel Core i7 at 7mbps/768kbps. Thanks.
>> No, don't expect it would. The CPU usage thing will hit you at high
>> rates (I was testing on a gigabit link).
>> I'm not sure we can realistically pick an option that works well for
>> both slow and fast links. So we may have to add a switch; and then the
>> problem becomes what to use for defaults...
> How about make it not a "switch" but a numeric parameter, and
> default to the current default value by principle of least
> surprise?

Well, by "switch" I just meant "new command line option". The obvious
form of that would be, as you say, just the ability to set the netperf
xfer size directly...

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