Matthieu Coudron <> writes:

> `Yeah, this is an issue with netperf; it'll only output time in 10-ms`
> thanks for pointing this out. Not that useful for intra datacenter
> latencies then. My final tests should effectively longer but it's nice
> to iterate over shorter transfers.

Well it's more a function of the transfer size, but yeah, this is a bit

> `To get multiple datapoints, you'd need to run multiple tests (`for s
> in $(seq 10); do flent <args>; done`), then plot all data files at
> once.`
> But each run will be recorded in a different .flent.gz ? which goes
> back to my initial question, how can I plot data directly from the
> flent.gz without re-running the tests ?

Yes. If you want to collect several data points in a single .flent.gz,
the timeseries aggregator is not going to work. You'll have to use the
iteration aggregator (set AGGREGATOR='iteration' in the test config
file), and use a different runner that outputs the ELAPSED_TIME as a
single data point. I think it should be enough to subclass the
netperfdemorunner, and redefine parse() to call the parent, pull out the
ELAPSED_TIME metadata, and return that.


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