Just because I'm dumb, why are you fiddling with non-standard dscp markings in the first place?

I've been trying to get the folk testing this set for a while now,


they are essentially supported in sch_cake's 4 tier model.

On Tue, Apr 28, 2020 at 10:25 AM olg33 <notifications@github.com> wrote:

Thanks Toke,
I cloned the repository in a brand new VM, Once there I modified the runners.py file removing the previous MARKING_MAP with my customized values. Then I ran a test using your second proposed method:

./run-flent rrul_var --test-parameter bidir_streams=3 --test-parameter markings=0x28,0x34,0x38 --test-parameter labels='10','13','15' -H -l 60

The packet capture shows the right hex values but seems like the labels are not going thru:

Differentiated Services Field: 0x34 (DSCP: Unknown, ECN: Not-ECT)
Differentiated Services Field: 0x38 (DSCP: AF13, ECN: Not-ECT)
Differentiated Services Field: 0x28 (DSCP: Unknown, ECN: Not-ECT)

On cases where the hex value matches a value in the previous Marking_Map, like 0x38, it fills the DSCP label AF13. I also ran a test with no quotes on the labels but got the same result. Needless to say first method didn't work neither.

./run-flent rrul_var --test-parameter bidir_streams=5 --test-parameter markings=10,13,15,17,19 -H -l 60

So, it seems like I'm missing something. I haven't properly installed flent (setup.py install) as I though modifying the marking_map and using the run-flent command would be enough.

Is that the case?

Thank you.

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